Select images
The main step to operate with the list of photos in the album.

- Use these buttons to add/remove photos to your album project:
- Click Add to add one or more photos from the single folder to the
- Click Add Folder to add all images located in the folder and all
its subfolders;
- Click Import to add images from a scanner or a digital camera
that has a TWAIN support (most of the cameras supports removable media—there
is no need to use TWAIN importing);
- Click Remove to remove the selected photo(s) from the project.
- Place the photos in the desired order using these buttons:
- Click Up/Down to move the selected photo(s) up or down in the list;
- Click Top/Bottom to move the selected photo(s) to the top or
bottom of the list (to the begining or the end of the album).
- In the Title list, double-click the photo of your choice
(or select it and click Edit Title) to change the title of the photo.
- In the Image Description text box enter the description
for the selected photo.
- In the Folder Information text box enter the folder
(category) information for one or more of the selected photos. Use "/" or "\" to
set a multi level category (for example, San-Diego/Zoo/Monkeys).
Not all themes have a folder support, only some of the flash themes do. If
the theme does not support folders this text box will be hidden.
- Click EXIF to open an additional dialog that will allow
you to import image metadata to the titles or descriptions.
- Use these buttons to correct the photo orientation (your
original images are not affected, lossless rotation).
- Click this button to auto fix the color balance of the selected
photo (your original images are not affected).
- Click Enhance to start the
PhotoEnhancer application to edit the selected photo(s) (fix red-eyes,
crop or correct the colors). Available in the PRO and Basic versions only.
- Click Print to print the selected photo(s) using the FirmTools PhotoPrinter (if installed).
[ Welcome step ] [ Select existing album ] [ Select album theme ] [ Select images ] [ Set album parameters ] [ Album generation ] [ Finish ]